At RefixNow, we take our feedback very seriously, as our platform is built upon honest and verified reviews submitted by our Users and clients. We have a dedicated team of professionals to verify the content of your reviews and ensure that these reviews adhere to the guidelines outlined below. We take these measures in order to help our customers and Users feel confident about their hiring based on the reviews they read.
  • 1.For a client or a User to post a review, there must have been a financial transaction that must have taken place between the review writer and the Service Provider. The review must relate to a project, job or work completed under a written contract. Users or Customers with refunds can also post a review.
  • 2.Reviews must be constructive, unbiased, and written in a polite language. The review must abide by the relevant Defamation Laws. To keep reviews relevant, we recommend avoiding the following:
    • Commentary about a person’s social, political or religious views
    • Profanity, name calling, and assumptions about a person’s character or personality
    • Content that refers to circumstances entirely outside of another’s control
    • Content about services not related to RefixNow
    • Commentary about past projects that are unrelated to the current Service Provider
  • 3.Users and clients are not allowed to share any personal information and / or identifiable information in the reviews, such as full names, name initials, email addresses, phone numbers or private correspondences.
  • 4.The User or client must post a review that focuses on a completed project, and they (Users and clients) are not to mention any competitor company names or any additional company names in the review.
  • 5.Users or clients are not allowed to incentivize positive reviews, to use the threat of a negative review to manipulate a desired outcome, or to influence another’s review with the promise of compensation from the Service Provider. Moreover, Service Providers are not allowed to offer incentives or discounts to Users or clients in exchange for positive reviews. No such reviews will be approved.
  • 6.All reviews must be non-commercial, that is they must not include any promotional material or website.
  • 7.Anyone writing a review must be over 18 years of age.
  • 8.RefixNow will only remove reviews in case of a request by a User or client, or during an investigation.

Reporting a review that violates these guidelines

To report a review for violating RefixNow’s review guidelines, contact us.

If you feel a review is untrue

While we encourage and expect our users or clients to post reviews that contain objective and accurate information, RefixNow does not mediate disputes concerning truth or fairness. We expect the author of the review to stand behind the content of their review.